HKU Centenary Action initiated a petition concerning the future use of Main Building. This petition had been handed to the Pro-Vice-Chanellor Prof. John Malpas on May 5, at the last consultation forum, and had been submitted to the Vice-chancellor Prof. L.C. Tsui and Pro-vice-chancellor Prof. John Malpas again via email on May 7.
香港大學百周年校慶剛過,百周年校園將於下年度正式啟用 ,以應付三三四新學制及舊學制兩屆新生同時步入校園。香 港大學的本部大樓將隨著文學院遷入新校園教學大樓而騰空 ,其未來用途引起多方關注。
校方早於數年前已與不同部門商討本部大樓用途,至上月方 舉行三場公眾諮詢論壇。兩場論壇過去,校方一直強調沒有 既定計劃,但卻有坊間傳媒報道校方早已向政府遞交計劃書 ,建議把本部大樓大部份空間劃為行政用途。
本部大樓是港大的靈魂,也是香港的人文遺產,既盛載代代 師生回憶,也見證港大以及香港整個世紀的歷史。本部大樓 屬於每一個港大師生,也屬於每一個香港市民,其未來用途 亦應由師生及市民共同規劃。
1. 立即交代有否本部大樓未來用途的具體計劃,如有,應立即 公開計劃內容
2. 尊重建正視師生及公眾意見,延長本部大樓未來用途諮詢期
3. 讓師生及公眾共同參與本部大樓未來用途規劃過程,實踐校 園民主規劃
岑學敏(港大文學院2006年度文學畢業生、2009年 度研究生畢業)
林守賢(港大文學院2010年度畢業生、城市規劃碩士一 年級)
https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/ ccc?key=0Ah4l8y9zV2gVdGs0UW tTMG5IVEJseDc0amRuM0RONGc# gid=0
The Centennial Campus of the University of Hong Kong is expected to be completed by the next academic year in order to cope with the 2 cohort of new students joining the University as a result of the “3-3-4” curriculum reform. The Main Building will be vacated as the current occupant, the Faculty of Arts, will move to the Centennial Campus. The further use of the Main Building has become a subject of great concern for many.
The University Administration had discussed with various Departments regarding the future use of the Main Building as early as a few years ago. The University had also organised 3 consultation forums on the same issue. At the two forums that have already been held, the University emphasised that no plan have been decided yet. However, the media had recently reported that the University has already submitted a proposal to the Government and recommended the majority of spaces be converted into administrative offices.
The Main Building is the icon of the University and is a cultural heritage of Hong Kong, filled with the memories of the staff and students of different generations. The Main Building is also a witness to the history of Hong Kong's last century. The Main Building belongs to each and every staff and students of the University. It also belongs to the Hong Kong Public. Its future use should be planned by the staff and students of the University together with the Hong Kong Public.
We request the University to:-
1. Explain immediately whether there are plans for the future use of the Main Building. If there are, the University should release the details of such plans forthwith;
2. Respect and seriously consider the opinion of Staff, Students and the Public, and extend the consultation period;
3. Include Staff, Students and the Public in the planning process on the future use of the Main Building, implementing a democratic planning of the campus.
HKU Centenary Action
KWOK Wing-kin(BEcon&Fin 2010)
SHING Hiu-yi(BA 2011)
Desmond SHAM Hok-man(BA 2006, MPhil 2009)
Arthur CHENG Shing-hin(BA 2010)
Timothy LAM Sau-yin(BA 2010, MSc (Urban Planning) I)
Michael TSUI Kit-sang (BSocSci V)
LO Kwun-hin(BA 2010)
Judy CHAN Ka-man(BSocSci 2010)
https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheet/ ccc?key=0Ah4l8y9zV2gVdGs0UW tTMG5IVEJseDc0amRuM0RONGc# gid=0
HKU Centenary Action initiated a petition concerning the future use of Main Building. This petition had been handed to the Pro-Vice-Chanellor Prof. John Malpas on May 5, at the last consultation forum, and had been submitted to the Vice-chancellor Prof. L.C. Tsui and Pro-vice-chancellor Prof. John Malpas again via email on May 7.
1. 立即交代有否本部大樓未來用途的具體計劃,如有,應立即
2. 尊重建正視師生及公眾意見,延長本部大樓未來用途諮詢期
3. 讓師生及公眾共同參與本部大樓未來用途規劃過程,實踐校
The Centennial Campus of the University of Hong Kong is expected to be completed by the next academic year in order to cope with the 2 cohort of new students joining the University as a result of the “3-3-4” curriculum reform. The Main Building will be vacated as the current occupant, the Faculty of Arts, will move to the Centennial Campus. The further use of the Main Building has become a subject of great concern for many.
The University Administration had discussed with various Departments regarding the future use of the Main Building as early as a few years ago. The University had also organised 3 consultation forums on the same issue. At the two forums that have already been held, the University emphasised that no plan have been decided yet. However, the media had recently reported that the University has already submitted a proposal to the Government and recommended the majority of spaces be converted into administrative offices.
The Main Building is the icon of the University and is a cultural heritage of Hong Kong, filled with the memories of the staff and students of different generations. The Main Building is also a witness to the history of Hong Kong's last century. The Main Building belongs to each and every staff and students of the University. It also belongs to the Hong Kong Public. Its future use should be planned by the staff and students of the University together with the Hong Kong Public.
We request the University to:-
1. Explain immediately whether there are plans for the future use of the Main Building. If there are, the University should release the details of such plans forthwith;
2. Respect and seriously consider the opinion of Staff, Students and the Public, and extend the consultation period;
3. Include Staff, Students and the Public in the planning process on the future use of the Main Building, implementing a democratic planning of the campus.
HKU Centenary Action
KWOK Wing-kin(BEcon&Fin 2010)
SHING Hiu-yi(BA 2011)
Desmond SHAM Hok-man(BA 2006, MPhil 2009)
Arthur CHENG Shing-hin(BA 2010)
Timothy LAM Sau-yin(BA 2010, MSc (Urban Planning) I)
Michael TSUI Kit-sang (BSocSci V)
LO Kwun-hin(BA 2010)
Judy CHAN Ka-man(BSocSci 2010)